Rules and Regulations
Any Bladen Community College student or Bladen County resident sixteen (16) years of age or older may apply for and receive a library card. A photo ID is needed to verify age and identification.
Any person having overdue materials or owing fines will not be permitted to check out new materials until the overdue materials are returned and the fines paid.
Patrons are limited to five items at any given time.
Library materials unless otherwise stated, normally circulated for a period of three weeks and are due on or before the last date stamped on the date due card. Renewals can be made by returning the book to be rechecked or by calling the library and have the staff renew the materials for you.
Materials should be returned to the circulation desk during the hours the library is open. If the library is closed, materials may be placed in a book drop located at the entrance of the Learning Resource Center.
Notification of overdue materials will be sent as follows: 1) Two notices at weekly intervals, the first mailed by the day after the due date. 2) A final notice stating costs and possible penalties.
A fine of ten cents per school day per item, up to the replacement cost of the material, will be levied for books from the general collection.
A fine of $1.00 per day per item, up to the replacement cost of the materials will be levied for reserve books and interlibrary loan books.