Through the short-term training programs, adults may continue learning experiences in a variety of fields, both occupational and cultural in nature.
Courses are offered to meet the interests and training needs of our community. Through collaboration and partnerships, educational services are offered to schools, libraries, civic groups, religious groups, law enforcement agencies, fire service departments, emergency medical services, businesses, and industrial groups.
Bladen Community College offers a wide variety of short-term skills training in the allied health area. Many courses lead to either a state or industry-recognized credential, thereby increasing your earning potential.
A regionally defined healthcare pathway provides students with multiple entry points and helps them stay on track to earning certifications and credentials.
Bryan, Betty
Lewis, Jamie
Norris, Dr. Michelle
Let employers know you are ready for work with the Career Readiness Certificate!
The North Carolina Career Readiness Certificate (NCCRC) is a local, state, and nationally recognized credential that lets employers know the certificate holder has the necessary workplace basic skills for hiring, job training, and job promotion. The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The WIN® Tutorial is now available to assist students in preparing for the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC). Information verifies to employers anywhere in the United States that an individual has essential core employability skills in Reading, Math and locating information. The certificate is an easily understood, conveniently attained, and universally valued workforce credential.
Students interested in a Career Readiness Certificate should register with the college for the Workkeys® assessments in Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information and Locating Information.
Client Services Training teaches students the essentials of customer service and communications skills needed to work in a call center environment.
This course is designed for instructional areas related to the training needs of call center operators: 1) customer service strategies, 2) telephone etiquette, 3) product knowledge, and 4) communication skills.
Brisson, David
Please visit our CDL page for application information and downloadable packet. If you are not redirected automatically, please click here.
Brisson, David
The college offers a variety of self-improvement and personal accomplishment classes that showcase your talents in creative ways.
Classes vary from semester to semester and can include photography, religious studies, guitar lessons, dancing, music appreciation, floral arrangement, yoga, and so much more. Classes are often designed to respond to student requests. Consequently, these unique classes serve the desires of the entire community and frequently meet in different locations around the county.
Rideout, Karen
The college offers classes to support skills and certifications in the culinary industry.
Follow the link below to view upcoming courses.
The Construction Trades curriculum provides the basic knowledge to develop skills necessary to work in construction.
Brisson, David
Defensive Driving – 4 hour
This course will motivate drivers to change their behind-the-wheel behaviors and attitudes. It will give them key understanding, skills and techniques to avoid collisions and reduce future violations. The result is a more responsible driver who grasps best practices to prevent injury and death while operating a motor vehicle. This class is open to any individual or business wanting to increase their awareness of roadway safety.
Defensive Driving – 8 hour
This course is used extensively for court referrals, as a diversion program for drivers with excessive violations, and to retrain drivers with poor driving records. This course addresses the attitudes of drivers so participants can see that their choices have financial, legal, and personal consequences.
Hehl, Brian
Thornton, Angelika
Ed2Go is the industry leader in affordable online learning for adults.
We provide the highest-quality online continuing education courses that are easy to use through a network of over 2,100 top colleges and universities.
We offer you hundreds of engaging online courses, covering every topic from Accounting to Web Design. Each course comes equipped with a patient and caring instructor, lively discussions with your fellow students, and plenty of practical information that you can put to immediate use. Our instructors include some of the most well-known and trusted names in online education, and our dedication to customer service is second to none.
You can take all of our courses from the comfort of your home or office at the times that are most convenient to you. A new session of each course starts monthly. Most courses run for six weeks and are composed of 12 lessons, representing 24 hours of instruction. You can ask questions and give or receive advice at any time during the course. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to download a certificate of completion.
Blansett, Bruce
Students taking these courses can become NCCER certified.
These courses are delivered entirely in Spanish.
Brisson, David
Emergency medical training is designed to provide an individual with the opportunity to gain technical information and skills in modern emergency medicine.
Training in EMT, Advanced EMT, and Paramedic is offered as well as continuing education classes required to maintain state certification.
Hehl, Brian
Fire service training is designed to provide firefighters the opportunity to gain technical information and skills in modern firefighting through a variety of courses and practical exercises.
Courses can be applied to certification as a firefighter, rescue technician, driver/operator, pump operations, aerial operations, and fire life safety educator I, II, and III.
Certifications are awarded by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of the State Fire Marshal. Courses are offered on campus as well as area fire departments.
Participants successfully completing this course will be eligible for the fork lift operator’s license.
Brisson, David
This course is designed to instruct the layperson or professional responder in the basics of First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
Instruction focuses on cardiac, breathing, and other life-threatening medical emergencies as well as awareness the hazards of blood borne pathogens.
Upon successful completion, the student may qualify to receive certification through a certifying agency.
Hehl, Brian
These courses are designed to teach students relevant skills for homesteading.
Courses topics may include edible plants, fermentation, raising rabbits, and other relevant homesteading skills.
Marshburn, Lynn
This course provides instruction and clinical practice in natural hair care.
The course content includes sanitation, bacteriology, disinfection, first aid, shampooing, draping, anatomy, disorders of the hair and scalp, and client consultation.
Advanced students apply the following natural hair care techniques: twisting, wrapping, extending, locking, blow dry and thermal iron.
Natural hair care students must complete required hours in an approved program before applying to the State Board of Cosmetic Arts for examination. Students are responsible for course textbooks and student kits. Check with BCC Bookstore for pricing (910-879-5669).
Required items first day of class: Solid white uniform Solid white uniform shoes Social Security Card N.C. issued photo ID (DMV issued Driver’s license or ID).
This course is designed to provide instruction to individuals who want to become commissioned as a Notary Public.
Topics include legal, ethical and procedural requirements of the Notary Act.
*Please note: the notary public course requires a textbook; you may purchase this text in the BCC bookstore.
Brisson, David
This course is designed to provide instruction to individuals who want to become licensed real estate agents.
This Real Estate Pre-licensing course is intended to: (1) provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to act as a licensed real estate broker in a manner that protects and serves the public interest; and (2) prepare students for the North Carolina real estate license examination.
Brisson, David
Participants will learn stick and TIG welding. This course is offered entirely in Spanish.
Este curso introduce la soldadura y el corte basico. Se pone enfasis en las perlas aplicadas con gases, rellenos de acero dulce y electrodos y la accion capilar de la soldadura. Al finalizar, los estudiantes deben poder configurar equipos de soldadura y oxi-combustible y realizar procesos de soldadura, soldadura fuerte y soldadura blanda. Se requiere un libro de texto. El costo actual del libro de texto es de $79.98 en la libreria BCC.