Upswing’s Assignment Review provides students with help planning, drafting, documenting, revising, or editing their papers!
Need to submit an assignment, paper, or essay for review? Use the Upswing Assignment Review or make a virtual or in person appointment with a Bladen Community College tutor.
Frequently Asked Questions
Students should log into their Upswing account and locate the “upload an assignment for review” link.
Yes, students can meet with a Bladen Community College tutor virtually or in the LEC (Bldg. 8).
It’s easy. Drop by the LEC (Bldg 8) or call (879-5544) anytime during our normal business hours. Or, log into Upswing, select Meet with a tutor, search for Robin Novak, Alexander Horne, or James Batten. Setup your appointment according to the time and location (virtual or in person) on their schedule.
Assignment review through Upswing is available 24hrs a day. Each Bladen Community College tutor keeps a different schedule. See each tutor’s schedule by searching their name in Upswing. Contact the LEC (879-5544) to get an in person appointment.
Tutors (Upswing and BCC) will proofread essays and other assignments. This feedback will help you become aware of some writing strategies that you can apply to write more effectively.